lørdag 20. august 2011

Norwegian Defence League

Norwegian Defence League is  organization that is opposed to any extremism, whether it comes wrapped in religious or political beklednngWe see that Islam is thefastest growing of these extremist beliefs and that Islamism is conflikt with Westernvalues ​​such as freedom of speech, equality and democracy.
Not only advocate Islamism violence against those who do not submit to their religion,but accounts for a totalitarian society and a humanity that includes the differencebetween the sexeshomofilihatanti-Semitism and discrimination in general.
We do not hate Muslims and see that there are those who do not follow Sharia lawslavishly. It is Islam ideoligi we rejectand we ask ourselves why do not more of thesemoderate Muslims take the party with us. Is there a fear or a taboo within Islam to raise its own criticism?
We also see that we are stigmatized as right-wingracist and Islamophobic in the press and by opponents. Why can not substantive arguments on our part will be metwith at least factual answers?

After 22 July, we are all facing a crossroadswe must be careful not to generalize or exterior us derogatory towards individuals.
The second way we must be heard for what we are actually trying to say, notstigmatizedstamped or dies with the unjust condemnation.

We can jointly raise the debate on a better track, Islam, the criticism does not disappear with GaggingDemocracy quality assurance is to let everyone be heard for what they say, not what one believes to hear the party say.

A mad man has written a manifesto and committed atrocities, we must all deplore.His ideas have never become reality because the debate is polarized, or more violence perpetrated.
We can all lend a hand to make the world better.
You and I have a responsibility to maintain a world our descendants can safelyassume.
This is what the Norwegian Defence League stands for.


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