A new day with new opportunities and we’re ready for our protests against the Muslims'!
Personally am not a racist or Nazi, but a person who sacrifices himself for his country, and sacrificing himself for his people.
I grew up in a country which has become a goldmine for the Muslims and the rest of the people who do not belong to the Aryan nature, I’ve had problems at home due to the economy through these years, which may well you recognize yourself in.
The reason is that the Norwegian State uses a lot of money on unnecessary things like building flats for Muslims and the rest of the world. They do not take enough care of us.
Muslims are taking over the shops and the restaurants. They take school places and they take our money that we have worked for.
Muslims try to correct the laws and government, to the protest when they do not get her way.
The Norwegian government is afraid of these people. The government is afraid of being stepped on by other countries, but now we've seen that Norway has become a gold mine for poor people.
In this country you can get free food, clothing, money and education to start all over again.
This must end. We are trying to fight in a nice way, but this may require strength and lives, but we NDL do this to show that we can change our country, Norway back t how it was.
Thank you for reading and spreading the message / blog.
Who are you ? do you have any connections to the Norwegian Defence League?